Weekday and Saturday Morning Meditations

Weekday and Saturday Morning Meditations

Join us every weekday and Saturday morning and meditate virtually. No leading, just bells and the occasional short poem at the beginning or end.
Set up your chair or cushions and click on the zoom link below up to 5 minutes before 7:30am.  Please mute yourself during the meditation.  You're welcome to hang out afterwards or leave quietly.   Everyone is welcome. No experience is needed.

These morning meditations are a joint offering from Triratna Sanghas on the West Coast and friends. You are welcome to join from anywhere in the world if the time works for you! 

How To Join

Use a PC or Mac

For most modern web browsers, you do not need to download anything. For a better experience you can, before the start time, download the Zoom Desktop Client for Windows, Mac, or Linux. You do not need to create an account or sign in.

A few minutes before we're due to start, click here to join.

Use a Mobile or Tablet

Before the start time, download the Zoom Mobile App using one of the links below. You do not need to create an account or sign in.

A few minutes before we're due to start, click here to join.

More questions? Get in touch

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to have any previous meditation experience?

Everyone is welcome, even if you have no previous experience.

Do I need to book?

No, just turn up!

Do I need to be a Buddhist?

No - these sessions are open to anyone who wants to meditate with others.

What should I wear and how should I sit?

There are no special requirements, just make sure you'll be comfortable to sit for the length of the meditation. If you don't have meditation equipment, a dining room chair will be perfectly suitable.

How much does the session cost?

We don't charge a fixed price for our classes but instead invite you to make a donation to the Vancouver centre to help us cover our running costs.