Full Moon Ritual

Full Moon Ritual

The Friday of each month closest to the full moon 7pm – 8:30pm

A Pūjā in the Triratna Buddhist tradition is a ceremony that includes reflection, chanting and offerings that deepen appreciation of The Buddha and his teachings. It moves through seven stages which include gratitude, confession and reverence. Sometimes there are readings slotted into the puja to add colour and inspiration to an already rich tapestry of practice.

In traditional Buddhist cultures Pūjās are often done on the full moon and this is a tradition that has important resonance in our Triratna community. So every month on the Friday closest to the full moon we will practice a Pūjā. Most often it will be the Sevenfold Pūjā but on occasion, we will incorporate other pujas.

This is an in person event for experienced practitioners but all are welcome.

More questions? Get in touch

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to be a Buddhist or a regular at the centre?

While pūjā is a Buddhist devotional practice, many people who

aren't Buddhists enjoy pūjā, and everyone is welcome.

If you have not done pūjā before, please let the class leader know so they can give an introduction.

Do I need to book?

No - just turn up!

Is it okay to just come to some of the nights?

Absolutely. Each night will stand alone.

Is there a charge?

We don't charge a fixed price to attend the Full Moon Puja but instead invite you to make a donation to the Centre to help us cover our running costs. A donation of $5 - $20 would help us to cover our costs, but everyone is equally welcome, even if you cannot give anything at all.