Camp Samish Spring 2025 Retreat
Thursday 10 April – Sunday 13 April
Exploring Deeper Harmony of Body and Mind: A Somatic and Energetic Approach
Triratna’s system of practice provides a clear, practical and comprehensive roadmap towards insight. Each stage contains essential developmental imperatives that support the natural arising of stillness and harmony. We can envision each stage as a step along a path or journey, or we can consider approaching the system of practice as a moment-to-moment exploration of views, energy and emotion.
In the stage of spiritual death, we will focus on receptivity, relaxation and a willingness to let go at more and more subtle levels. During the retreat, you will be guided through somatic and energy-based meditations and inquiry that draw on your deepest capacity to be open and receptive. We will begin by becoming familiar and learning to trust the energy and voice of the body. You’ll then be guided to explore and say yes to challenging psychic and emotional energies and to integrate those energies. Once integrated, we can become increasingly aware of the positive flow of energy that is always available.
The retreat will be highly experiential. You will be invited to immerse yourself in a somatic and energetic experience that opens a door to the unknowable, mysterious realm of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.
Dh. Padmadharini is a courageous and dedicated meditation practitioner. Ordained in 2004, she has attended over 3 years of cumulative meditation retreats during which time she has experimented with numerous meditation approaches. She has extensive training in teaching meditation and mindfulness including Breathworks and MBSR certifications. She also has certifications in Chaplaincy, is a Professional Board Certified Coach, and is certified in secular mindfulness, Focusing and somatic work.
Dh. Tamojyoti is a meditator and energy healer. She is interested in the use of energetics to accelerate and support the awakening process. She is certified in multiple healing modalities including Reiki, Vortex Energy Healing and Angelic energy healing. Tamojyoti was ordained in 2022. Her name means means “she who is the light in the darkness of samsara".
Fee Schedule US Dollars (Sliding scale):
4 Nights (Order Members only): $505./$450./$395.
3 Nights: $460./$405./$360.
2 Nights: $350./$295./$240.
Starts on Thursday April 10, 2025 at 6 PM and ends on April 13, 2025 at 12:00 pm.
Registration Deadline: April 2nd, 2025
11633 Scott Road, Bow, WA 98232